Martha Stewart Weddings Party

On Monday night I took my best friend Jennifer with me to the Martha Stewart Weddings party to celebrate the wrap-up of bridal market week. Among other cool things, they had a Smilebooth to take pictures of the guests. More a miniature photographer-less photo studio than an actual photo booth, it consisted of what looked like a tall skinny ATM opposite a backdrop of silver tinsel. There was a container of gold glitter; guests were supposed to take a handful of it and throw it in the air, letting it shower down on them mid-shot. But as you can see, I didn’t throw the glitter early enough. I never knew when it was actually going to take the photo so I ended up looking kind of silly but maybe that’s the point – and the fun of it.

And yes, that’s a corset I made; it goes with one of my wedding gowns. But more about that later…

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